Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dead Man's Chest

Hollywood once again helps illustrate, in part, the gospel. Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow owes a debt to Davey Jones. If the debt is not erased Sparrow will have an afterlife of suffering servantude, eternal damnation.

This is in-part the gospel. It's the bad news side of the good news. The only reason the world needs a savior is the fact that we all owe a debt to God which we cannot pay without eternal damnation.

The good news, we don't need to fight cannibals, outsmart the undead, or endanger our friends. To avoid an eternity of suffering we only need to receive God's gift of Jesus Christ.

It might not make for an exciting adventure but it sure makes for an exciting life now and later. Merry Christmas.

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